Weather App


As we can see, this was my first contact with Figma, creating the design for a fairly basic weather application, but essential for starting to get to know and familiarize myself with Figma and all its amazing features.


At this moment, I had watched many Figma courses in videos before, but this was the first time I could put what I learned into practice, having my first experience with prototypes and opening my mind to all the possibilities that Figma offers.

Even though today I can think of all the things I could change in the design, I have a deep affection for each and every one of my projects, as I've learned something new from each one. 

In fact, I enjoyed being limited to using the colors and images provided by the course, as it was precisely that limitation that sparked my curiosity and made me think about what other colors and images could bring a more visually calming effect to this design.

Not to mention the curiosity it sparks in me when I think about what else I can improve.

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